Friday, 29 November 2013

Upcoming Dates, Due Dates, Homework Summaries...etc etc etc

Health: for Band due on Wednesday, for Strings due on Thursday

French booklet due on Monday

Geography due on Tuesday

Math from Mr Persaud is due on Tuesday (4 pages, assigned this past Monday...and remember we planned out how to do a little bit each night...hopefully you stuck to your plans)

Language Main Idea and Summaries - we finished chapter 10 today...start working on your summaries

Math from Mrs T from yesterday due on Monday (6 circle questions, calculating circumference).

Science: finish up your paragraph (summarize the activity, highlight something fun/concept that you understood better) and sketch your project. This is not due until late January...but better to do it now and start preparing examples for your portfolio...we will talk more about this on Thursday.

Remember that there is no Rotary on Wednesday or Thursday. On Wednesday is our Director's Cut workshop (some of you still need to bring forms and fees back). This will give us a chance to catch up some core work, work on Ender's game, and dial back the homework just a touch.

There is a tentative field trip to watch Ender's Game on 10 Dec. Cost approx $12 including TTC fair and admission. Stand by for details.

PJ day on Monday 9 Dec

Today at the end of the day we discussed the school initiative for gift-card fundraising.

Keep up the good work...3 weeks until the break!

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