Monday 21 April 2014

Grade 8 Physics Test Information

With the results being less than ideal from our last quiz, the test will be during the week of the 29th, ideally on the Thursday/Friday.

If you are having trouble with the material, please let your teacher know well in advance. Waiting until 8 weeks of classes, and 9 different formulae, to have passed is not fair to yourself. There will be optional tutoring this coming Tuesday at lunch, and Thursday after school. If you would like to attend please email your science teacher as soon as possible.

Your first step in studying should be to write down each formula, and sketch each simple machine, then finally  sketch and label a simple hydraulic system. Remember we've spent time each week for the past three reviewing all the different formulae.

Formulas: force, work, mechanical advantage (general formula), then levers, wheel and axle, and ramp formulas, work efficiency, and finally the force formula for pressure.

Practice Questions can be found here:

Lever review:

The hydraulics tests are being returned, as well as the quiz. There were several interruptions this past few weeks which prevents the timely return of them.

The most significant criticism is to remind you to consider that a 10-mark, or 5-mark questions required more than once sentence.

b) Would it be more or less efficient to use a ramp? Support your answer using calculations.

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