Friday 16 May 2014

Buffalo Posts

On Friday 16 May, Grade 7 students discussed the structure of short stories, and applied the analysis to Shaun Tan's Tales from Outer Suburbia. Later that day, we used an image from another of the stories in the same book and created our own fictional works. The following comments are products of their efforts in class.


  1. “I have brought something so we can play together” said the girl in a squeaky, high pitched voice.
    “I have no need or want to play with you, you puny girl” hollered the buffalo.
    “But I can see that you are lonely. All the company you have is those birds” she exclaimed in an innocent sounding voice.
    “They are all I need! I have seen you watching me! I do not want to play with you! I am a GOD!” he yelled glaring down at her.
    “But don’t gods have other god friends?” she asked questionably.
    “The birds are my friends! For I am Buffalo Boy! The god of birds!” he said with great pride.
    “NOW, BEGONE PEASANT OR KNEEL BEFORE ME!” he said with a booming, echoing voice, as he pointed for her to leave.
    The girl started to bawl as she ran away. But as she was running she dropped the box she was holding. Out of curiosity the buffalo peered into it. As he looked at the item, a small tear began to grow in the corner of his eye.

  2. It's around 6:00 pm and the Jones’ family just got a new neighbour so the youngest in the family went to say hello. The girl: “Hi, neighbour!” (She says happily). The buffalo just looks at her, and she is put into an awkward situation. The girl: “Um, well, my family wanted to give you a welcome to the neighbourhood gift”. The buffalo tries to look at the girl’s house but it’s blocked by some sort of wall. The girl: “Excuse me Mr. Buffalo, that’s your name right”? The buffalo just looked at the girl again. The girl: “Well I’m about to have diner now so I’ll come to talk to you after that okay”? The buffalo still does nothing. The girl: “I’m just going to leave this here”. The girl starts running towards her house, the buffalo peers into the box and finds ten red cylinders.

  3. "Hello mr.buffalo would you like to by some cookies"said the girl"NO"said mr.buffalo "how about my box? You could live in it" the girl giggled "dose it look like il fit in that little girl" mr.buffalo yelled "you could give it to some one" the girl said sadly "who wants a box?"said mr.buffalo "I don't know" said the girl "girrrrrrrrrll just go home" "but it has inshaerns" the girl said "oh really il take three

  4. “Um, Mr. Sanders, I called timidly. I really need your help.” “It’s getting late Mr. Sanders grunted in his deep gravely bass. Go home Caroline.” “But, I muttered. I know you’re very good at fixing things.” “I was wondering if you would help me fix my doll. I have it in a box right here.” “Hmm… okay he said decisively, I’ll do it.” “Follow me inside my house.” We crept in to his giant, bull-sized dark, fear-infused house. I barely noticed that Mr. Sanders had locked the door behind us. As we passed his workshop he said: “no, keep going. This way.” “Ok,” I said a little bit scared and confused. We eventually reached a dead end in the hallway. “Well, he said showing a mouth full of bloodstained teeth. This is where it ends.” “What do you mean?” I stammered nervously, slowly backing away. “Hmm? Oh it’s no biggie. I’m just going to eat you” he said nonchalantly. “What!?” I screamed and made a break for it. He was on me in three giant steps. 1… 2… 3… GULP!!! “Mmm.” “That was a tasty snack.” Mr. Sanders said, and he sauntered away.

  5. “Hello my family and I just moved here” said the girl. "Hello what’s your name?" asked the buffalo. “My name is Emma. What’s your name?” asked Emma. “Just call me Erik, with a k.” said Erik suspiciously. “Where did you come from Erik?” Emma asked asked calmly. Erik replied “From the buffalo field’s right over there.” he pointed to his left. “Well it was nice meeting you Erik, bye!” Emma was excited that she made a new friend.
    3 Months Later…
    Emma was playing on her lawn when she noticed Erik wasn’t on his lawn. She saw a glowing light going off the ground, she walked over. “What is that?” Emma was startled, there was a door in the ground she opened it and there were a bunch of stairs, she walked down them. At the end there was a chemistry set and in front of it there was a small walking buffalo. “Erik is that you?” Emma was scared but she was trying not to show it. Erik quickly turned around and said “What are you doing here get out!” his voice came out wimpy and high pitched. “What is all this stuff?” asked Emma. “I’m making evil minions they are called Eric, with a c, they go around the world to people’s homes as exchange students and right before they leave, they infect the house with unknown living organisms. Now that you know my evil plan…” Erik grew big he broke the ceiling and he continued “…I must kill you.” Emma started running up the stairs and towards her house right before she got in Erik grabbed her and said “It was nice knowing you Emma”. Emma started screaming and then she woke up. She was in her old bed, in her old house, in her old neighbourhood, in her old city. Emma realised it was just a nightmare and she went back to bed.™


  6. Prologue
    Suzie walks into her yard with a box of lard, ready to feed buffy, her giant pet buffalo.

    "Buffy, i got some lard from the market, i think its enough" said Suzie in a doughtful voice.
    "Thats it!? I asked for more than that! What am i on a diet!?" Buffy exclaimed as his veins began to pop out and his synapses began to fry. He grew, and grew, to an unimginable size, His fur became as hard as fibre glass, it turned very sharp. Suzie trembled back slowly, She was shaking.
    "I... I.. I ... I'm sor... sorr... y" Suzie's voice was choppy. She stared into buffy's bloodshot eyes. Buffy froze, as he slowly relaxed, removed the tesion from his muscles and began to shink to his original size. for a moment there was a silence. Buffy had noticed the box. He slowly tilted his head toward its opening, and took a glance at the contents.
    "I didnt know... im sorry"
    Buffy picked up Suzie and hugged her.

    N.L 7A

  7. As I walking to my new house, with all my things from my old room, I saw this animal sitting on the land.
    “Who are you?” I asked.
    “You don’t need to know.” He said moaning. “Just come here.”
    “What do you need?”
    “Just step on the grass, I need to show you something. You are new to the neighbourhood, right?”
    I stepped forward. “I guess…”
    “I’ll take you where I take everyone new to the neighbourhood. Just jump on. It won’t take long.”
    As I walked closer and closer, the more i thought on where this animal, I just met, was going to take me.
    I started climbing him. “Ouch!” I said quietly.
    I climbed to his horns, pushed the birds that were sitting on his head, and said, “ready.”
    The animal started shaking, “lets do this.” He said excitedly. “I haven’t been here in a while, no one ever comes to this neighbourhood.
    We soared over the trees, towards the setting sun.
    “Can you tell me where we are going?”
    "You’ll find out soon…”

    M.F 7A


    I was walking down the street and I asked my neighbor Allen do you know where the toy store was? Allen said you first asked the bird now you want to ask me. I said all my friends were there now and now I am lost because I can't find the store. I asked him why was he not telling me where the store was then I told him I have to go home soon. He said what was the store called and I told him what it was called. It was called Sam's toy store and it is the biggest toy store around here. Allen said it was at the end of the road. Allen said your welcome so I said thank you. He said you are not going to make it so I ran to get there and I made it.

    JR 7A

  9. Buffalo: Go away, people.
    Girl: Sorry for bothering you Mr.Buffalo, but I just wanna ask a quick question: Have you seem a man wearing a black hat and blue boot walk by?
    Buffalo: I needn't answer your question, go home right away little girl, your mom is waiting for you . It's dangerous to stay outdoors alone.
    Girl: But this is very important! The man lost his box at the bus station, he might be very nervous after he notice that, I need to return it to him.
    Buffalo: What is inside? May I have a look?
    Buffalo seemed very surprised and unbelievable after glancing the box.
    Buffalo: Okay, I'll tell you the way where he go. But you must give me your words not to tell anyone until you meet the man who lost this box.
    Girl: I promise you, thank you Mr. Buffalo.

  10. As the girl came back with the food for her new friend, the buffalo, she quickly noticed that he had changed since the last time she saw him. She dropped the box and started to interrogate the buffalo. “What happened to you?” she said exasperated. “ I grew” the buffalo expressed casually. “Ok, I brought you some food, but I don’t think that it will be enough.” she said sadly. “Thanks, but you need to go back home now. I am fine by myself.” he said with a bit of frustration. “Where are you going to go?” she asked worriedly. “I don’t know yet, but I do know that you have to go back home before your parents start to worry.” he expressed with more frustration. “Ok fine, are you going to stay here?” “No, I have to go, I can’t explain it now. Please go home.” he said angrily, and pointed in the direction of her house. “Ok, bye” she said as she started to walk home.


  11. "What is a puny human doing in Outer Suburbia?" The buffalo growled."I don't know. I just wandered away from home." She said slowly backing away. "Come back" screamed the buffalo."My name is ▓Φ¬╫σ⌐. Welcome to Suburbia where everything is nothing and nothing is everything."That doesn't make any sense."The human mumbled." " Wish for anything you want and it MIGHT come true. That is if i am feeling nice." The human asked the buffalo three questions. "I wish i could fly." "Your wish is my command!" "Okay, how do I fly?" "You can fly in your dreams." "That isn't fair!" The human screamed. "My second wish is to be the smartest person alive! So, did it work? I don't feel any smarter." The human whispered. "Yes, it did work, you're the smartest person in your dreams. Okay from now on, i will make your wishes actually come true. "Okay, my next wish is for you to shrink and hop in this box." "The buffalo shrinks and enters the box. The girl then holds the lid shut and runs away screaming "I HAVE MY OWN GENIE BUFFALO THING!"

    D.D 7A

  12. "hi im Jemima" the young girl quivered as she spoke. "Well young lady what brings you to my field" the buffalo said with a slight creek in his voice. "I was given this three years ago and told to give it to a large buffalo buffalo standing in a field pointing to the east. So im gonna take a wild guess and say thats you" the girl said sarcastically. "But before i give you the goods you gotta give me what I want" the girl said in a very smug way. "No my family has waited thousands of years for this package and im not sacrafising anymore than I already have"the buffalo said in a very overpowering way. "So what do you want anyways". "I want free passage for my family". The buffalo began to charge at the girl and yelled "Noooooooooo!!!'. the girl the pulled out a tranquelizer gun and shot the buffalo in the chest. This does not come as a surprise as her fahter is Less Stroud. The girl kneeled down and wispered this in the buffalos ear. "A deal is a deal'. As she walked away Eric jumped out of the box.

    NG 7B

    By: Kate Austin 7B
    Girl: She screamed because she saw a big big buffalo!
    Buffalo: Calm down , he whispered , your going to wake everyone up!
    Girl: You talk , she screamed.
    Buffalo: Yes.
    Girl: She was so scared she had goose bumps.
    Narrator: The Buffalo is ten feet high and black. He looks kind looking and doesn't want to hurt anyone. The moon is full and bright all of a sudden there's a rumble.
    Girl: What's that? She said with fear in her eyes.
    Buffalo: That was me sorry I haven't had food in a while.
    Narrator: The girl looked at the box that she was holding and the box had food in it that she got from a store. Then she gave the box of food to the Buffalo.
    Buffalo: Thank you.

    KA 7B

  13. Buffalo solider

    The girl ran, ran as fast as she could. "I made it" she panted. The dark shape turned around and she looked straight into his big buffalo eyes. "Are you ready" she asked. The animal nodded. She climbed onto his back, "let's go" she whispered into his ear. And the buffalo ran, past the field, past the mountains, all the way to their special place. "Let's explore" the girl yelled, falling back onto the grass. The buffalo shook his head. "Tomorrow" he said "but first you must rest". He made her a blanket of leaves, making sure she was comfortable. "Goodnight" she said softly. "Sleep tight" he responded. Once the girl had fallen asleep the buffalo kept watch. He watched for any predators, anything that would hurt the one thing he would die for. The girl. Sleeping peacefully, as if she would never wake up. He must protect such perfection. He quieted, his ears sticking straight up. Something was approaching. "Grrr" he growled, warning anything that tried to get near, "stay away". A wolf crawled into view. "Grr" he lurched forward. The wolf ran towards the girl, licking his lips. The buffalo jumped in front of her just in time, the wolfs teeth sinking into him instead. "Aaaaaah" he screamed in pain. And then I woke up.

    AS 7B

    "Who are you?", said the little girl to the buffalo. "I am just a buffalo", replied the buffalo. The little girl was in shock as she heard the animal respond in a deep voice.
    She replied "Wow! I have always dreamed of having a pet buffalo. My name is Ashley". Well Ashley I'm not here to stay I just wanted to eat that yummy flower on the
    ground over there", said the buffalo. "If you like eating flowers I have some here in this box", said Ashley. "Thank you very much Ashley", replied the buffalo.
    "Can you stay longer and play tag?", asked Ashley. The buffalo agreed to play tag. After four hours of non-stop tag, the buffalo announced "oh my look at the time,
    I must leave now Ashley". "Good bye", said Ashley. Then the buffalo flies off and spreads his crystal wings and zips off towards the Prairies where he goes into his deep slumber.
    Ashley's reaction is a sudden gasp in disbelief then she passes out cold on the ground.

    JKos 7B


  14. "Are you feeling any better" she said quietly. " I don't think I ever will" he muttered. "Oh come on, I told you I was sorry like a gazillion times." She said a bit louder. " you said you would never do something like that again"
    "I'm s-sorry" she said with tears in her eyes. "You brought them here YOU!!" He shouted. " they came here and cut off my tail! And you didn't try to stop them" he said even louder" " I" she stuttered. " if you want to help you can just leave!" She ran away dropping the box. " What's that?" He reached inside the box and pulled out his dismembered tail and cried

    EK 7B

    “What are you doing here? I told you to leave! I am a monster, not your friend!” Exclaimed the buffalo monster.
    “ You are not a monster you are just misunderstood! You are kind, smart and little to insecure.” Said the girl calmly
    “ Raaaaaar! I could pick you up right now and thro you across five houses right now! See you should be afraid of me! The buffalo said angrily.
    “You do not scare me in anyway. In fact this just proves how insecure you really are, hafting to show me how scary you are. If you were really scary I would not be here right now” the girl said firmly.
    The buffalo sat down and looked strait into the girls eyes and said “ This is my land and my land only. So leave!”
    The girl replied proudly “ No.”
    “ I give up! Stay if you want! I don’t even care any more.” The buffalo monster said in an annoyed tone.
    “Good because I have packed us a lovely pick nick in this box for us to share.” The girl exclaimed.
    The buffalo monster was silent for a minute and he started to think about the girl and what she was doing. Then he realized something the girl was not trying to be annoying she was being kind and for the first time in a long time the buffalo was happy. The buffalo smiled and said to the girl “ You know you are not that bad.”
    The girl smiled back and said “ I know.”

    MW 7A

    The little girl continued her persistent bantering. “Hey shouldn’t you go home? Isn’t it your bedtime?” shouted the buffalo in a loud voice. In a soft voice, the little girl peeped “ but Mr. Buffa…”, BUT nothing!, roared the buffalo as he cut the little girl off. The little girl started to cry. The big snarling grunting angry buffalo suddenly felt a little smaller at the fact that he had yelled at a little girl. So in a gentler, sympathetic voice and tone he said to the little girl, “why don’t you just go home?” The little girl stopped her weeping and frowned at the big mean buffalo and yelled, “Not until you answer my question!” The buffalo frowned and sighed, so she asked a different question. The buffalo wasn’t expecting a different question so he snarled and almost yelled at her. All she said was “Mr. Buffalo?, why won’t you answer my question?” the buffalo really wasn’t going to tolerate anymore of her. So he yelled, he yelled so loud that people within suburbia could here him. Naturally this made the little girl upset again, and she cried. This time however he ran out of sympathy, and instead of yelling which he knew would upset her even more, decided to sit there and point toward the direction of her home.

    It wasn’t until the next morning that he awoke to the sound of no crying. He almost got up and danced, but that would wake her up. So he waited until dusk for her to wake up. Then he realized that she might be hurt or worse dead, and being the selfish buffalo that we was, for a moment he was almost happy. After searching his property for about 7 minutes, he came to the conclusion that she must have gone home. He did his special dance only reserved for times when an annoying thing has gone!

    AP 7A

  15. Not believing her eyes as she sees a dark figure infront of her. "Excuse m-me" the girl sais in horror. "I smell some freshly baked cookies" said the figure in a deep, intimidating, and sturring voice. The girl slowely walks backwards. " I made some for my grand-mother" she said trying to be kind. "I see that your very scared of me little girl" the buffolo said, slowely approching her. His retched stench was killing the flies flying around the box. His right murderous, green eye was now right infront of her face. The girl quickly turns and accidently slaps the buffolo right in the eye. Her hand now covered in some slime. The buffolo screamed in pain. "my eye!" The girl started to call nine-one-one. "There's a giant buffolo at the park!" the girl sais watching the buffolo recovering. "we're already here". The girl looks to her left, then the right and sees a cop pointing the gun towards the buffolo. "Freeze buffolo!". The buffolo angrily picks up the cop than throws him miles away. The buffolo then stares at the girl. "aaagggghhh!" the girl screamed in horror. As the buffolo ate the girl whole. Than picked up the box filled with cookies and eats it aswell. The End

    Mike 7B
