Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Science Grade 7 - Food Webs and Questions due 16 Oct

Today we reviewed our definitions from yesterday:

Ecosystems, biotic, abiotic, producers, consumers, scavengers, decomposers, the 5 requirements of a habitat.

In today's discussion we identified the 4 spheres, defined biome and listed 6 common biomes and their sub-categories. Then we looked at food webs.

For next Wednesday, create 3 food webs of 10-15 biotic components each. Each web shall be based on a different biome (for example, do not submit 3 food webs on tropical forests, even if they are in different areas of the world).

Each food web should be on its own sheet of paper. We will use these as a means to begin our unit project.

In addition, answer questions 1, 2 and 4 on page 42 (in the top left corner of the page), and complete the readings for this week from the textbook.